Wednesday, June 4

Well guys and girls, ladies and gentlemen friends and Daryl...

It is once again that time of tear when myself and a bunch of like minded individuals jet off to some far flung destination somewhere aroound the globe, and it seems that this time round the pin has landed on the land of the south americas.... Sounds fun!

Join me and take a journey through the wilderness as i document the mishaps and happenings of the next four months as immerse myself once again in a foreign land and try hoplessly to understand what the hell is going on around me.

Complete with updated whereabouts, pictures and the occasional mild rant feel free to join in and leave a comment, you never know it might actually give me some direction! (oh and you dont need to register to leave a comment, see below)

But for now guys and girls, i will say adios, and ill be writing soon!



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  • Once your done, simply click on the publish comment tab to post your message within the comment section.
  • Voila! You have now left a comment on the blog... Give yourself a pat on the back!


Sporrin said...

Hello my dears

Have A fantastic trip and i will miss you all lots im very jealous but very proud of you

stay in touch

Love to all of you

Jo xxx

Anonymous said...

Hope you have a great time Danny.