This trip gets crazier by the day, after leaving the home we had made for ourselves in cuba wasting lazy nights along the malacon before eventually heading via costa rica and onwards to the land of chocolate, (or rather lack of it) so far we have found no such substance to replace my previous fixation with mango´s... Lifes a cruel mistress, especially when the cuban sat trapping you against the window decides to empty the contents of his stomach all over the place as your coming in to land!!
Back to the here and nows of Ecuador, or more specificly its capital city of Quito, we´ve all finally managed to aclimatise to the altitude, and so far have yet to feel the effects of the infamous alc-titude sickness... maybe tonights 12litre rum and coke night might just show us otherwise. But alas, needless to say since arriving in the city that spans forever, we´ve been having a fantastic time. We lost our long standing travel buddy Mirko, and in his absence have now gained a fresh out of the box, Mio, who so far has taken to things like a duck to water. Only slightly detered by 18hours in atlanta airport hes good to go, and like the rest of us, now pretty much gotten to grips with our new found level of altitude.
Our first night was pretty relaxed upon our return from the airport, mio in tow, and soon lead to a fated encounter with two fellow travelers from the UK, Gerrard Butler (Ok his name is matt but he reminded everyone of the infamous spartan king) and Charlie, needless to say the next day we departed as a six for our first activity in the form of a trip full day had been spent taking a trip towards the centre of the earth, the Mitad del Mundo, the line of the equator... well the famous one, also now some 230 plus meters from the mark, but close enough considering it was calculated in the 1700´s. Required photos in hand, it was then off up the road to the actual line of the equator to balance an egg on a nail, watch water flow the wrong way and marvel at the mysteries behind a real shrunken human head, what more could we do with day eeh?
Me, Mio Charlie and Gerrard!

Heads above the rest!
Well needless to say after an interesting time at the equatorial line, still with energy to burn, the gang plus 2 made way up through clouds and beyond to the vast crater of Pullaluha (i think) where unfortuneatly upon reaching its summit, were greeted by nothing other than cloud, that and a shear drop, luckily a nearby waiter came to our aid and gave us a picture or two of the views that could be seen. Back through the cloud we went and returned to our hostel, just in time for rum and coke night...
Back at the hostel aching joints were soon swapped for ladels of rum as we began tucking into the 12litres of the stuff, needless to say after this the whole hostel came to life, Gerrard, charlie, myself, Mio and Cherry upon consumig many a portion of rum inevitably were a tad off the mark when it came to the pool, so as a result quickly swapped our cues for cups, and carried on. That was until Cherrys challenged a group of Israeli travelers to a round of pool to defend the english honour... No more need be said of this matter!
The night was not only fueled with rum, but also the buzz of meeting new faces, Kyle from Virginia, Eric who is cycling from Alaska to the southern most point of south america, and that crazy danish girl whom no-one understood. A great night filled with great memories and wise cracking spartan promise!

Gerrard, Charlie, Kyle and moi (Must be the altitude)
Our second day consisted of a treck through Quito´s vast old town and a 4 hour rund trip by bus to some pretty funky natural hotsprings, definately the best way of curing altitude induced pressures to the cranium! Not to mention let your imagination run wild with the prospect of a large pyschopathic bovine lunging out at you at any given moment!
Anywho todays been an interesting one, the gang sprouted three extra members for the day so, Me, Cherry, miika, Mio, Leonitas, Charlie (no not the unicorn), Kyle and now Frankie and louise, also from england set forth to concour the cable car of Quito, so some substantial queing and a climb to over 4, 800 feet we found ourselves atop one of Quitos many summits, watching as many a plane flew by... Below our feet! Parting ways with Charlie and Matt, they headed back down the cars of cable to get cracking with to theyre next destination while the remaining 7 of our party played in the clouds. The seven soon became six, Kyle (who incidently has just appeared behind me) departed for a solitary treck along to the next summit, tradgically cut short by the weather.

Cable Car crew!
Anyway, returning to the now im going to have to skidaddle, have to go pick up some laundry and prepare myself physically and mentally for tonight... ey we have to party, its Kyles 21st, we cant not celebrate with rum now can we!

We came, we saw...

Smile guys!

The view atop Quito´s summit!
Right guys and girls, until next time im going to have to dart, theres rum to be drinking, as always, until next time!
Danny signing out!
Ps. Ive also just been informed that Matt and Charlie on departing Quito were involved in a bus crash, in which then ensued a chase to catch the culprit down... I Love this country!
1 comment:
Hello Danny Sam here from work thought i'd catch up with your adventures having read your blog address on the staff board. Sounds like you are having an awesome experience. You are not missing much at the boring cinema. You're in the best place. Stay safe and more importantly keep having a blast
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