Tuesday, July 15

Peruvian update!

Lima was a so-so stop of for us, collectivley deciding to reside for one night after a rather long trawl of the up-beat miraflores area looking for a roof, we eventually found a room at the stop and drop backpacker hostel... in reality what we should have done was stop, and turn back around for the door after we had been offered a rather dingy 3bed high dorm room at 7am... luckily we managed to talk our way ito a four person room for only a little bit more moolah.

Our day consisted of wandering the black and slight shade of grey markets of lima, to the purchase of a new camera for cherry, (after the unfortunate trading of it for a sock) a bit of a mooch, miika getting his bank card eaten by a machine (he got it back the next morning, thankyou veronica) shared beers with a canadian just out of the air force and a somewhat under influence french economics teacher... We also managed to fit in a trip to the new shopping center and arcades built into the side of a cliff. We had time for a rather unconventional game of table hocky before we settled in for a late night showing of kung fu panda, needless to say it lifted all out moods somewhat from the gutter theyd been in since cameragate!

Next morning, after chatting to quite to quite possibly the most polite drug dealer ever, we were off out of lima destined for a brief pit stop in Ica, to catch some means of transport to Huachachina for a spot of desert dunes, sandboarding and buggy riding! Huachachina itself is situated in ther middle of a mass surrounding of ominous sand dunes with only one way in, and one way out, and is also quite possibly the smallest town ive ever seen, set around a small lagoon it is truly a backpackers town. Arriving from Lima/Ica into Huanchachina at 8pm, we were destined to stay the next three nights with no seats available on any bus to cusco forthe next three days (meaning we were stranded in this small sandy town until the 14th).

Time spent between climbing immensley large piles of snad, attempting to ´surf´back down on precarious pieces of wood (just like a snow board, but on sand), eating BBQ´s till we exploded and for me, taking a sandboard & buggy trip that was for more intesnse than anything alton towers could ever throw at you, Curtosy of a driver whose sanity could somewhat be put to question.

Leaving Huanchchina we departed for Nasca, and the infamous lines... (a little on the dissapointing side) and then the demon 15 hour bus journey from nasca to Cusco... needless to say me and the contents of my stomach parted ways curtosey of the snakey, mountainous roads of the andes!

More to follow!

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