Friday, June 20

Addictions, and no, not in a bad way!

Hola amigos! ¿como esta?

Well i really dont have much to inform about this time round other than we´ve now lost our good pal mirko, who sadly has become the victim of a return flight to englland (Mirky you will be missed) and that on sunday were due to fly from the isle of cuba and truly begin out south american tour, starting with Ecuador!

My addiction to frsh mango has somewhat become almost uncontrolable, and im finding myself needing a daily dose to keep me at peace. Anyway, since leaving you in matanzas last weve further all topped up our tans at many tranquil beaches that have been so amazingly picturesque
that i still cant believe weve been to them, even the uber touristy Varaderro beach too.

The wether is still hot, and the sun just never seems to stop shining. And rather like the cubans, nothing is really phasing us as we lazily stroll from one day to the next. Its going to be a damn shame to leave though, Cuba truly is a colourful island with, well actually other than beaches, museums and horse ride... not much else to do... Heck weve even taken to swimming along the Malacon with the locals here in Havana.

The next two days ahould fly by, and before we know it we should be in ecuador welcoming mio to the traveller fold, but until then our last few days here arent going to be to productive. Althoughi must admit i will be reluctant to leave, ive gotten sooooo used to the copious amounts of fresh fruit here that im sure im going to have mango related withdrawl symptoms... Ah well, guess ill just have to replace it with ecuadorian chocolate!


Ps. sorry about the lack of photos guys, the Cuban computers dont like my usb stick...
Mebe next time!

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