Miika´s birthday on the 16th was fun, occupied to the shopping district of bara to the new york shopping centre we were greeted by good old lady liberty herself, after browsing through shops and record stores (have you ever seen a 70+ man headbanging to greenday) it was off for a viewing of topic thunder (strange but gurd) and when we thought it was off back home, the prospect of a free movie in the screen next door was worth a shot. Mamma mia actually wasnt all that bad, even if the brazillian couple insisted on dueting throughout. Home for gone 11pm Miika was in for a shock when we whipped out a huge chocolte cake and chourous´s of happy birthday!
Morning up, the terrible trio plus Faye (birmingham) and the yanks Buck(P-man) and Adam departed for Santa theresa, an area filled with colonial mansions and a rather riaque little tram ride... hanging over an aquaduct has never been so much fun! The night saw quicks trips and drinks around centro nd an encounter with a rather eager street side lady of the night...
Accompanied by Owen (from wales) and two random aussie women on holiday, a yage to Cristo Redento (The giant jesus you see in lots of rio reated business) was undertaken. Blue sky breaking through, it seemed we had finally pleased someone up there. Pictures taken it was a race ginst Miika nd Cherry to the bottom. Another night aroud centro ensued (welcome to the fold Becks and Anna (london) and Carolina (Equdor). A peacful nights sleep was not to follow, not only for miiak and becks´combined poke me till im out of bed teamwork, but also for Unwelcomed disturbnces from a certain person who had drunk just a tad too much that night...
After a 6am wake up call we eventually hit the beaches of rio, Ipanema was the destination, lots of sun, white sand and wavey waters welcome us all, the joys of the first sun in a week had drawn crowds of people, everyone at the hostel descended en mas to the sandy shores for some welcomed sun. Awsome day, challenging wves to games of chicken and burying Becks to head hight in the sand went down a treat.
Waaving bye to Anna and Becks, as well as two of our spanish roomies tody was little weird, waving them off as theyre journeys unfolded whilst our story has come unto its end...
Only one thing to do on our last night of our journey across america sur guess....
Saturday, September 20
Thursday, September 18
What happened to the sun...
Well were still in Rio, and still waiting for sight of the sun, its been non existant since the day we arrived here... looks like im coming home a fantastic shade of white after all...
Monday, September 15
Welcome To the River Of January...
Or as its more commonly known, Rio de Janeiro!
Well, since were now in the final throw of our winter exploits, yes winter, believe it or not the last three and a bit months have actually been the South Americna winter, but anyway back to the blog... Finally managing to make it into paraguay for the day on the 10th, we managed to get through the brazillian border without getting stamped in and with a quick hop of the bus arrived in Punta este, the Paraguiayan border town that existed solely for cheap electronics, socks and pirated goods... Spending a few hours, and a couple of thousand Guarana (the local currency) we we struggled to actually get a bus back to argentina to stop for us, so rather than stand around like a bunch of lost gringos, walked to thge brazillian border point in hopes of catching a bus back to iguazu in Argentina... No such luck, and even un-luckyer still was being clocked by the border police. After only a minor ticking off we stamped in and out of Brazil and hopped a bus through the border point to the brazilian bus station. Alot of walking later and we finally made it to the Argentine border and the home stretch, Argentina, Iguazu and a rather raunchy Brazilian themed night of entertainment awaited our return to the hostal.
Checking out the next morning a 25 and a 1/2 hour bus ride awaited us, destination Rio De Janerio... well it did await until i had realised my ticket was burried mid way down my immensley rammed backpack, so, unwilling to repack after a 2hour solid effort the night before the only option i had for avoiding paying full wack for a new one was simple... My ticket was stolen the day before. My story rehersed, the company was willing to provide a free replacement... But only with a copy of the accompanying police report... Damn! What followed was a 20minuite dash across town to the police station, faining theft, and a mad run back to the office with only minuites to go before the 2pm bus... Moral of the story, dont pack your bus ticket half way down your pack!
Anyway, after stoppingg off briefly the next morning at a bus cafe for breakfast (they have the weirdest payment methods in Brazil, youve got to get a ticket from one person, served your goods by another, and then pay for it all at a third, tis very confusing and a tad confusing). Come 3:45 on the 12, we finally arrived in our final destination, Rio, and the first thing you noticed was the heat, it was like being back in cuba, so humid and in escapeable!
Dumping the machillas at our hostal in Lapa, when we finally arrived we set out for food and not alot else, it really wasnt going to be long before i got my first taste of the Brazilian party scene as me and about 8 other people from our hostal descended onto the street party literally just around the corner... Dancing to the sound of the samba beat, sipping the overwhelmingly strong Caipariskas (sorry cant spell them) the night passed in a musical blur before i finally got my head down onto my pillow by 5am. A definate night to remember!
After merely a cup of tea for breakfast, i opted to avoid the beach for the day, and instead opted to explore the local area with Rafa (Madrid), a chap also from the hostal who had spent the last year working in Bolivia. So within the day managed to explore a massivley huge comne shaped cathedral with the most amazin stained glass, explore the local historical sights, barter my way through the local markets (yes i was even shopping for prezzies) and even fit in time for a trip to botafogo and explore the immensely green region and its Jardin Botanical (botanical garden). Not bad for one day with only two hours sleep the night before.
Next day was a little less thrilling, travelling to the markets of Ipanima to pick up some goods proved to be a tad depressing, everyhitng at the infamous hippy market was drasticaly overpriced, only able to afford a cob of corn, i headed off with Rafa once more to see the areas surrounding the beach, truly amazing, its justa pitty that it was all very cloudy. With little else other than a game of footvolei to hold passing crowds attention along the beach (think volleyball but played with any part of your body except your hands) we made our way back to the hostal for a jumper, well not before being scared to death by a skateboarder wearing nothing but y-fronts zipping around the place. Heading out for beer and pizza, and even a visit to the flicks to watch hellboy (Awsome film), it was eventually time for bed.
Again as with yesterday today (15th) has been nothing special, wandering the centre, shopping for odss and a trip to the oldest coffe joint in rio has been just about it really... Oh did i mention its been raining all day??? I thought this was supposed to be Rio...
Lol, well anyway, im off, got some birthday planning to do... Miikas 22nd tomorrow... wonder whats going to happen...
Ciao pr Ahora amigos!
Well, since were now in the final throw of our winter exploits, yes winter, believe it or not the last three and a bit months have actually been the South Americna winter, but anyway back to the blog... Finally managing to make it into paraguay for the day on the 10th, we managed to get through the brazillian border without getting stamped in and with a quick hop of the bus arrived in Punta este, the Paraguiayan border town that existed solely for cheap electronics, socks and pirated goods... Spending a few hours, and a couple of thousand Guarana (the local currency) we we struggled to actually get a bus back to argentina to stop for us, so rather than stand around like a bunch of lost gringos, walked to thge brazillian border point in hopes of catching a bus back to iguazu in Argentina... No such luck, and even un-luckyer still was being clocked by the border police. After only a minor ticking off we stamped in and out of Brazil and hopped a bus through the border point to the brazilian bus station. Alot of walking later and we finally made it to the Argentine border and the home stretch, Argentina, Iguazu and a rather raunchy Brazilian themed night of entertainment awaited our return to the hostal.
Checking out the next morning a 25 and a 1/2 hour bus ride awaited us, destination Rio De Janerio... well it did await until i had realised my ticket was burried mid way down my immensley rammed backpack, so, unwilling to repack after a 2hour solid effort the night before the only option i had for avoiding paying full wack for a new one was simple... My ticket was stolen the day before. My story rehersed, the company was willing to provide a free replacement... But only with a copy of the accompanying police report... Damn! What followed was a 20minuite dash across town to the police station, faining theft, and a mad run back to the office with only minuites to go before the 2pm bus... Moral of the story, dont pack your bus ticket half way down your pack!
Anyway, after stoppingg off briefly the next morning at a bus cafe for breakfast (they have the weirdest payment methods in Brazil, youve got to get a ticket from one person, served your goods by another, and then pay for it all at a third, tis very confusing and a tad confusing). Come 3:45 on the 12, we finally arrived in our final destination, Rio, and the first thing you noticed was the heat, it was like being back in cuba, so humid and in escapeable!
Dumping the machillas at our hostal in Lapa, when we finally arrived we set out for food and not alot else, it really wasnt going to be long before i got my first taste of the Brazilian party scene as me and about 8 other people from our hostal descended onto the street party literally just around the corner... Dancing to the sound of the samba beat, sipping the overwhelmingly strong Caipariskas (sorry cant spell them) the night passed in a musical blur before i finally got my head down onto my pillow by 5am. A definate night to remember!
After merely a cup of tea for breakfast, i opted to avoid the beach for the day, and instead opted to explore the local area with Rafa (Madrid), a chap also from the hostal who had spent the last year working in Bolivia. So within the day managed to explore a massivley huge comne shaped cathedral with the most amazin stained glass, explore the local historical sights, barter my way through the local markets (yes i was even shopping for prezzies) and even fit in time for a trip to botafogo and explore the immensely green region and its Jardin Botanical (botanical garden). Not bad for one day with only two hours sleep the night before.
Next day was a little less thrilling, travelling to the markets of Ipanima to pick up some goods proved to be a tad depressing, everyhitng at the infamous hippy market was drasticaly overpriced, only able to afford a cob of corn, i headed off with Rafa once more to see the areas surrounding the beach, truly amazing, its justa pitty that it was all very cloudy. With little else other than a game of footvolei to hold passing crowds attention along the beach (think volleyball but played with any part of your body except your hands) we made our way back to the hostal for a jumper, well not before being scared to death by a skateboarder wearing nothing but y-fronts zipping around the place. Heading out for beer and pizza, and even a visit to the flicks to watch hellboy (Awsome film), it was eventually time for bed.
Again as with yesterday today (15th) has been nothing special, wandering the centre, shopping for odss and a trip to the oldest coffe joint in rio has been just about it really... Oh did i mention its been raining all day??? I thought this was supposed to be Rio...
Lol, well anyway, im off, got some birthday planning to do... Miikas 22nd tomorrow... wonder whats going to happen...
Ciao pr Ahora amigos!
Tuesday, September 9
and where are we now...
Actually were back in Argentina once more, we just cant seem to get enough of this country!
Whose been visiting... Suddenly the number of visitors have shot up?
Since leaving you last in Montevideo on the 3rd, we moved on further through Uruguay onto yet another small town, this time Mercedes, yet again another fantasticly small little place filled with people more than eager to get to know that little bit about you, and just for the sake of being friendly. Spending the night at a youth sports centre, and after catching yet another amazing sunset we went to bed in a room with about 30million beds, and all for just the three of us, while Miika and Cherry updated their diaries (something i still need to do) down in the main foyer i was challenged to a hybrid game of pool, a sort of cross between that and skittles played on a tabel without any pockets, with only three balls and five miniature skittles... Heading into the land of nod to the sounds eminating from the basketball court joined onto the other side of our wall late into the night, we again awoke to the sounds of a basketball match mid game in the morning... Had these people not slept?
Initially intending to return into Argentina, are plans were scuppered as when we arrived in the land of Fray Bentos we found the bridge between uruguay and Argentina was out of action, so heading further north after whiling away our time waiting for an evening bus to salto we arrived at about 10pm, too late to make the border point to Argentina. Spending the night at the 1star hotel Danilay we set off the next morning for our return to Argentina.
Spending some time floating round the Argentinian town of Concordia killing time we caught our first overnight CAMA bus to Iguazu... Now for the benifit of you guys back home where ever that may be almost all of the bussed wed travelled overnight on since arriving in south america have been semi-cama that only partially recline and with some amount of padding to make the journey more bareable (and if you were really lucky you got food to), this journey being in Cama is the bus equivilent of flying first class, and being in cama meant we were in for a treat, Massivley comfy leather bucket seats, pillows, blankets, a huuuuuge hot meal, and not only did we get drinks served we even had the option for a bit of the old Vino to all you had to decide was if it was tinto or blanco. The best bit, just when you think it couldnt get any better and before you head to bed, the loverly stewardess tending to our needs appears and serves us a rather enjoyable glass of champaigne... GET IN!!!!
Back to the main feature anywho, arriving in the town of Puerto Iguazu, we hopped on a little yellow bus that swiftly whisked us off to the Hostal inn iguazu (yup thats also the name), dumping the bags and grabbing a quick round of breakfast and showers we soon found ourselves wandering round iguazus main call as a tourist stop off, the Iguazu Falls. Viewable from Argentina, Brazil and Paraguay we opted to explore the Argentinian side, and what a sight it was, wandering over meandering rusted walkways we couldnt help but be amazed at the sheer sight of the falls. Spending the day walking the many routes and experiencing the falls from as many vantage points as possible, the day eventually drew to a close (after finally catching the Coaties raiding the organic trash) and we headed back to Iguazu town for foodstuffs. Served by the Argentinian equivilent of Amy Winehhouse, and only managing half of my mamoth mango and pineapple pizza we departed back to the hostal via a rather interesting bus that took a rather drawn out route through all the local litttle residences.
Yesterday (sept 8th) saw a quick trip through the Argentinian border into Brasil, The first thing we noticed after getting thorugh immigration without either a visa or passport stamp (were we illegal immigrants, who knew) was the already drastic rise in temperature, it was HOT! Eventually finding a cash machine, the reality sank in of how little ooney we have left to sustain our last two weeks in South America, and after following a helpful Brazillian lass clad in purple to a shopping centre it was time for a rethink of plans... Looks like a return visit to Bolivia was no longer an option... Amigo, no mas mixto por tu!!!
Dining at Giraffes, on what quite possibly could have been giraffe (sorry Gerry) we set back off for argentina to book tickets direct ro Rio De Janerio and the on to our hostal and the bbq that awaited us. It seemed the whole hostal had jumped on the bbq bandwagon and as the food began to flow first from the salad bar, stomaches began to fill... then came the arrival of the mean feature, the bbq`d meat. Now, in Argentina they dont really have a nacional dish, for them an Asado (or to you and me a BBQ) is how they prefer to cook when theyre not feasting on steak, and tonight was no exception, mound after mound, wave after wave of cooked to perfection Chorizo (sausages) Bife (steak) and even Pollo (chicken but said like poh-jo) was shared out amongst the residents... No matter how much you ate, more was soon to follow. A carnevours paradise! "This is the best sausage ive ever had" (Cherry). Needless to say the Huge bucket loads of free alcholic Comparinas (?) kept the mood on a constant high, and yet there was still more to come.
After most were saturated with more meat than could possibly be imagined a tango show performed by two couples (one of whom looked like a proffesional pirate) legs and bodies flying everywhere faster than could be followed, it truly was quite a performance, but still there was more, being privelaged to dance floor seats, Miika was the first to be plucked form his seat by one of the short Tangoing ladies for a lesson, needless to say it was quite funny for us to watch, a rather intoxicated Miika trying to concentrate on the steps being tought to him, he did however do well considering his inhebriated state. Chuckling away at his return, it was then my turn on the floor as the short tangoing Argentinian then plucked me from my perch and began teaching me thje Argentinian art of the tango, and what a pair we made... Legs flying everywhere to the beat, stepping in time and even managing to throw a few twirls in, she was more than impressed with my ability to keep up. Not bad for someone who has never dance before, let alone danced the tango. Bowing out with dignity, it wasnt long before Cherry was plundered by the tango dancing pirate for her lesson.
Tango dancing frivolity over, we managed to claim a right to the ping pong table for slightly drunken ping pong before eventually realising that we were far to weary to keep up the fast paced miniature tabel tennis action.
Feeling nice and rosy after a once more large breakfast (cereal, fruit, tea and lots of dulce de leche smothered bread) were just having a bit of a chilled out day at the hostal, ping pong, diary writing and even sipping mate along the poolside are all activities that are on the agenda today.
Hey the weathers nice enough, why not!
feel free to comment.
Whose been visiting... Suddenly the number of visitors have shot up?
Since leaving you last in Montevideo on the 3rd, we moved on further through Uruguay onto yet another small town, this time Mercedes, yet again another fantasticly small little place filled with people more than eager to get to know that little bit about you, and just for the sake of being friendly. Spending the night at a youth sports centre, and after catching yet another amazing sunset we went to bed in a room with about 30million beds, and all for just the three of us, while Miika and Cherry updated their diaries (something i still need to do) down in the main foyer i was challenged to a hybrid game of pool, a sort of cross between that and skittles played on a tabel without any pockets, with only three balls and five miniature skittles... Heading into the land of nod to the sounds eminating from the basketball court joined onto the other side of our wall late into the night, we again awoke to the sounds of a basketball match mid game in the morning... Had these people not slept?
Initially intending to return into Argentina, are plans were scuppered as when we arrived in the land of Fray Bentos we found the bridge between uruguay and Argentina was out of action, so heading further north after whiling away our time waiting for an evening bus to salto we arrived at about 10pm, too late to make the border point to Argentina. Spending the night at the 1star hotel Danilay we set off the next morning for our return to Argentina.
Spending some time floating round the Argentinian town of Concordia killing time we caught our first overnight CAMA bus to Iguazu... Now for the benifit of you guys back home where ever that may be almost all of the bussed wed travelled overnight on since arriving in south america have been semi-cama that only partially recline and with some amount of padding to make the journey more bareable (and if you were really lucky you got food to), this journey being in Cama is the bus equivilent of flying first class, and being in cama meant we were in for a treat, Massivley comfy leather bucket seats, pillows, blankets, a huuuuuge hot meal, and not only did we get drinks served we even had the option for a bit of the old Vino to all you had to decide was if it was tinto or blanco. The best bit, just when you think it couldnt get any better and before you head to bed, the loverly stewardess tending to our needs appears and serves us a rather enjoyable glass of champaigne... GET IN!!!!
Back to the main feature anywho, arriving in the town of Puerto Iguazu, we hopped on a little yellow bus that swiftly whisked us off to the Hostal inn iguazu (yup thats also the name), dumping the bags and grabbing a quick round of breakfast and showers we soon found ourselves wandering round iguazus main call as a tourist stop off, the Iguazu Falls. Viewable from Argentina, Brazil and Paraguay we opted to explore the Argentinian side, and what a sight it was, wandering over meandering rusted walkways we couldnt help but be amazed at the sheer sight of the falls. Spending the day walking the many routes and experiencing the falls from as many vantage points as possible, the day eventually drew to a close (after finally catching the Coaties raiding the organic trash) and we headed back to Iguazu town for foodstuffs. Served by the Argentinian equivilent of Amy Winehhouse, and only managing half of my mamoth mango and pineapple pizza we departed back to the hostal via a rather interesting bus that took a rather drawn out route through all the local litttle residences.
Yesterday (sept 8th) saw a quick trip through the Argentinian border into Brasil, The first thing we noticed after getting thorugh immigration without either a visa or passport stamp (were we illegal immigrants, who knew) was the already drastic rise in temperature, it was HOT! Eventually finding a cash machine, the reality sank in of how little ooney we have left to sustain our last two weeks in South America, and after following a helpful Brazillian lass clad in purple to a shopping centre it was time for a rethink of plans... Looks like a return visit to Bolivia was no longer an option... Amigo, no mas mixto por tu!!!
Dining at Giraffes, on what quite possibly could have been giraffe (sorry Gerry) we set back off for argentina to book tickets direct ro Rio De Janerio and the on to our hostal and the bbq that awaited us. It seemed the whole hostal had jumped on the bbq bandwagon and as the food began to flow first from the salad bar, stomaches began to fill... then came the arrival of the mean feature, the bbq`d meat. Now, in Argentina they dont really have a nacional dish, for them an Asado (or to you and me a BBQ) is how they prefer to cook when theyre not feasting on steak, and tonight was no exception, mound after mound, wave after wave of cooked to perfection Chorizo (sausages) Bife (steak) and even Pollo (chicken but said like poh-jo) was shared out amongst the residents... No matter how much you ate, more was soon to follow. A carnevours paradise! "This is the best sausage ive ever had" (Cherry). Needless to say the Huge bucket loads of free alcholic Comparinas (?) kept the mood on a constant high, and yet there was still more to come.
After most were saturated with more meat than could possibly be imagined a tango show performed by two couples (one of whom looked like a proffesional pirate) legs and bodies flying everywhere faster than could be followed, it truly was quite a performance, but still there was more, being privelaged to dance floor seats, Miika was the first to be plucked form his seat by one of the short Tangoing ladies for a lesson, needless to say it was quite funny for us to watch, a rather intoxicated Miika trying to concentrate on the steps being tought to him, he did however do well considering his inhebriated state. Chuckling away at his return, it was then my turn on the floor as the short tangoing Argentinian then plucked me from my perch and began teaching me thje Argentinian art of the tango, and what a pair we made... Legs flying everywhere to the beat, stepping in time and even managing to throw a few twirls in, she was more than impressed with my ability to keep up. Not bad for someone who has never dance before, let alone danced the tango. Bowing out with dignity, it wasnt long before Cherry was plundered by the tango dancing pirate for her lesson.
Tango dancing frivolity over, we managed to claim a right to the ping pong table for slightly drunken ping pong before eventually realising that we were far to weary to keep up the fast paced miniature tabel tennis action.
Feeling nice and rosy after a once more large breakfast (cereal, fruit, tea and lots of dulce de leche smothered bread) were just having a bit of a chilled out day at the hostal, ping pong, diary writing and even sipping mate along the poolside are all activities that are on the agenda today.
Hey the weathers nice enough, why not!
feel free to comment.
Wednesday, September 3
Uruguay...no really, its a country!!!
Buenos Aires, a citythat never sleeps, and an interesting one at that. Our last night in the city was spent dining in a chinese resteraut for Mio´s leaving meal and escaing the blaring musiof the hostel pre pyjama party, twhich when we did return a rather scary man from recption was prancing round in his tightie whities, others in nighties, and one particular individual who had somehow managed to wind up sporting a toilet seat around his head???
Fondly leaving the joys, memories and and unfortuneatly Mio (he was flying home) all back in Buenos Aires we departed via a three hour ferry to the more relaxed and even more mate obsessed country of Uruguay, setting up home for the night and exploring the old smugglers port town of Colonia.

Morning up, it was off to our next stop Montevido, another ocean side city, noticeably bigger than Colonia, but still nothing to big. There really is not much to the city, some fairly grand buidings but not much more than that to be truthful.
Being honest, there isnt alot going on here in Uruguay, its a bit like wales in essence, filled with nothing (and without the sheep), but it is so laid back, and im not suprised really... Uruguay only really became known to the world about 6 or 7 years ago, theres really no tourists here at all that can dilute the feeling here.
Fondly leaving the joys, memories and and unfortuneatly Mio (he was flying home) all back in Buenos Aires we departed via a three hour ferry to the more relaxed and even more mate obsessed country of Uruguay, setting up home for the night and exploring the old smugglers port town of Colonia.
It truly did feel like all that was mising was the odd pirate or two roaming the town. After wathing one of the most unbelieveable sunsets ever miika and Cherry departed for a fourth aniversary meal whilst to my horror, i discovered first hand that in the people of Uruguay really are nothing like the Argentine people... At 9pm i discoveredthat almost every bar in town was closed... ths definatley isnt BA!
Being honest, there isnt alot going on here in Uruguay, its a bit like wales in essence, filled with nothing (and without the sheep), but it is so laid back, and im not suprised really... Uruguay only really became known to the world about 6 or 7 years ago, theres really no tourists here at all that can dilute the feeling here.
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